by Vanessa Ooms | Mar 31, 2024 | Ascension, Dark Night of the Soul, Empaths, Empowerment, Mindfulness, Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening
If you’re on a spiritual journey, you will inevitably experience a Dark Night of the Soul—maybe even multiple times. It’s a process of spiritual purification, one that can be deeply uncomfortable, emotionally overwhelming, and mentally disorienting. But as...
by Vanessa Ooms | Mar 24, 2024 | Ascension, Dark Night of the Soul, Empaths, Empowerment, Mindfulness, Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening
I grew up in an analog world—one where phones had cords, the internet wasn’t in our pockets, and moments felt slower, more tangible. Fast forward to today, and we live in a digital landscape where notifications pull us in every direction, social media keeps us...
by Vanessa Ooms | Mar 29, 2022 | Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening
I had to pause. To go deeper. To move slower. To feel it all. I had to trust the process. To trust the messages. To surrender my need to know. I had to BE. With each breeze. With each tear. With each smile. I had to LIVE. And not strive. And not...
by Vanessa Ooms | Mar 7, 2022 | Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening
Can you feel it?? There’s a quickening happening in the collective energy…everything is amplified and things are going to manifest for us quicker in March than ever before! So…this means it’s important to be extra vigilant about your...
by Vanessa Ooms | Jan 17, 2022 | Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening
Come take a walk with me and let’s talk about abundance this morning. Abundance is often referred to in the financial sense. We hear a lot about financial abundance and wanting to manifest this abundance to ourselves. However, talking about abundance in strictly...
by Vanessa Ooms | Dec 9, 2021 | Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it’s time for the past to be left in the past. It’s time to lay the past to rest so that you can move forward. It’s just time to move forward. There are some times, unfortunately, when we are not going...