12 Ways to Create Inner Happiness…

12 Ways to Create Inner Happiness In the midst of a chaotic world, carving out space and time for yourself is key. Although you may not be able to control the outside world, there are many ways to foster happiness on the inside. Here are twelve easy ways you can...
Are You Thriving or Just Surviving?

Are You Thriving or Just Surviving?

During the early developmental stages of humanity the reptilian/mammalian mind was formed. It is strongly connected to our physical survival and the survival of our species. This part of the brain governs our ‘fight or flight’ response and catapults us into...

The Manifesting Power of Joy

Everything in the universe is energy. Energy either expands or contracts in order to maintain balance and harmony. Here on earth, everything is also correlated to the elements (earth, water, air, metal or wood.) Every element has a natural cycle between activity and...