Reclaim Your Power. Trust Your Intuition.

Are you losing your PEACE amongst the chaos of life?

At times in life we may feel like we are losing our peace.  Whether we get too busy, have life challenges or are absorbing the chaos in the world, we can feel it in our bodies and our energy field. Today I want to share a meditative healing with you to assist you in...

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How would your life be different if you were THRIVING?

Many of us just "get through" life. We go from one thing to the next without awareness and often feel stressed, pressured or anxious in our daily lives. This is us in survival mode. What if you could RISE ABOVE what is and access your HIGHEST POTENTIAL? How would you...

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Finding stability and awakening your HIGHEST POTENTIAL

We are officially in February!  I would love to hear how your year is going and what amazing things you have shaping up for 2023?  What big dreams are you dreaming or what has already manifested in this last month?  Respond here and share! There is a potential you are...

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Who is part of your TRIBE?

Whether it's the family you are born into, friends you make along the way or individuals you have aligned yourself with in business, we all have and need a TRIBE. Take a moment and assess, who is in your tribe?  Where do you feel like you belong?  Who are your go-to...

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3 steps to manifesting your DREAMS!

We all have dreams that have yet to come to fruition.  Big, small and everything in between.  We can manifest our dreams with ease when we align them with a higher vibration, visualize our dreams already manifested and truly believe we deserve them. Today, Angela...

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The ROOT Chakra and the 4S’s of life!

When you build a house, you start with the foundation.  A stable foundation is key for stable floors, windows, roofs, etc.  It enables the house to sustain storms, windy days and heavy snow.  Without a strong foundation, you find cracks and eventually, things start...

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Energy Rich | Help MANIFEST your life partner

We hope 2023 is off to a great start for you.  This time of year is often when we get energized for the year ahead.  We make resolutions, plan out our goals and look forward for all that is to come. How would you like to supercharge the start of your new year with...

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Energy Rich Process for Abundance

While many countries in the world are concerned about a recession right now, there is a greater potential that we can align ourselves with today. In this potent energy process we will enter into Still Point (also known as the Zero Point Field.) This is a space of pure...

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Practicing the Pause…

Practicing the Pause…

I had to pause. To go deeper. To move slower. To feel it all.   I had to trust the process. To trust the messages. To surrender my need to know.   I had to BE. With each breeze. With each tear. With each smile.   I had to LIVE. And not strive. And not...

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