There is a big difference between reacting and responding to life.

Our come from a place of fight-or-flight and often indicate that we are not in our bodies. This can happen when we feel physically threatened, overly stressed or even emotionally ungrounded. When we are in a state of , we may not choose our words wisely, we may allow our emotions to dictate our actions, and we may not see a clear path going forward.

We are simply in a state of survival.

In comparison, when we are  we will feel empowered, safe and secure.  is thoughtful, meaningful and elevated. When you reflect before you speak, when you are able to connect feeling to your thoughts and consider how they will impact others, you are .

Enjoy this   process to help you rise up from a state of       . Notice the difference in how you feel in your body and the ease in which you navigate your circumstances. Notice the difference in how people respond to you. This energy is very wise and wants the very best for you. Feel free to watch this video multiple times in order to help build on the energy you are creating.

This energy is very wise and wants the best for us. Feel free to watch this video multiple times in order to help build on the energy you are creating.