Honouring Your Dreams – An Energy Process to Uplift You.
When we make commitments that speak to our heart, the heart chakra thrives. Our heart chakra wants us to commit to what will bring us joy and to follow through with those commitments. In order to manifest our dreams, we will be called to make those commitments and follow through with tenacity. But sometimes in chasing our dreams we may encounter a dark, heavy place where it seems as though we are going nowhere. This is the place where most people give up. Some people think this place is a sign that their dreams are not meant to be which validates their choice to walk away. But like it’s darkest just before the dawn, that heavy, contracted phase often comes just before the breakthrough. When we give up on our commitments without good reason it is damaging to our self-esteem. It’s also sets us up for failure. If we could just hold on a little longer, the resistance will lift and we will get to experience a sense of fulfillment for seeing something to completion.
If you’re courageous enough to follow your dreams, I celebrate you. No matter where you are in the journey, you deserve to live a life where your dreams matter. Hold on, you’re almost there. Don’t give up five minutes before the miracle.
Affirmation: My dreams matter.
In this White Light Affirmation process, we will remember that our dreams matter. No matter what we’ve been through or what is going on in our lives right now, our dreams deserve to be honoured. Every dream we step into brings us closer to who we are meant to be.
To maximize the benefits of this affirmation, place your hands over your heart chakra and repeat the affirmation 10 times. Take a deep, full breath between each statement.
To receive additional energy support for this affirmation, watch the accompanying video.
©Angela Strank

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