Starting Over

Starting over can be challenging at any age. But it can also be fun. New beginnings mean new energy, new opportunities and new aspects of yourself that you get to AWAKEN! Anything that leaves your life is not lost as you have a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and insights to carry forward with you. For example, with the ending of a relationship you may now be aware of what you don’t want, which really helps you get clear on what you do want. You do want to be adored, respected, supported, understood and appreciated. We all deserve that. For anyone going through any type of change, know your book is unwritten. There are many more beautiful chapters to come.
©Angela Strank

I am infinite in my potential.
This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us remember that if we act as if all is well, it will be. For example, act as if you are brave and you will have the courage to conquer your fears. Act as if you love all of life and life will love you back in...
My needs to be validated, supported and loved are being met.
This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help heal our relationship with life in times of pain or stress. Sometimes when we are feeling beat down by life we can slip into a feeling that we are unloved or forgotten. This is not true. We are always loved no...
I am willing to be transformed into the best version of myself.
This week’s White Light Affirmation is to help us be open to change. Life wants the best for us and often when it tries to steer us down a path that is aligned with our dreams, we get anxious, overwhelmed and sometimes even sabotage the process. When we are...