Self Talk

Our inner dialogue is commonly referred to as self-talk. It is a conversation we have in our mind that shapes how we view ourselves and the world around us. Our inner dialogue can be life affirming or limiting depending on the quality of the thoughts. Every thought we have holds an energy vibration that influences our experiences. Positive thoughts raise our energy levels and help create more positive experiences. Negative thoughts, however, lower our energy and can have negative consequences. If we are having a negative internal dialogue about something, our perception will be through the lens of negativity. Negativity attracts more negativity and that can lead to a vicious cycle of self-sabotage but when we notice how we talk to ourselves about the events in life, we are in a powerful position to create real change. Little bit by little bit we can fine- tune our thoughts to be more positive. We can talk to ourselves in more gentle and compassionate ways. In doing so we will become more kind and loving which creates change in both our inner and outer worlds.
Excerpt taken from “You Can Heal Your Chakras” by Angela Strank
©Angela Strank

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